Leading Electrophysiologists (EPs) have performed several preclinical animal studies that support use of the Durablate™ for the successful treatment of VT.
In vivo and ex vivo animal models demonstrate that SERF can make the large, transmural lesions required to treat the full extent of VT in the thick ventricle walls
Preclinical in vivo animal data include canine, ovine and porcine models.
Investigators have concluded that the SERF Ablation Catheter can do the following:
Create larger lesions than existing therapeutic catheters in both infarcted and normal tissue
Create large, well-defined transmural ablations largely confined to the infarct scar
Homogenize the infarct region and eliminate channels of viable myocardium in scar
Cure infarcted animals of VT inducibility
Deliver large lesions with no detectable additional effects on myocardial hemodynamic function and no evidence of myocardial perforation, wall thinning, or aneurysm formation in chronic animal studies
Durablate™ Ablation In Infarcted Porcine Tissue